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Missouri Martial Law

13 Aug

In Ferguson, MO this past weekend, a police officer shot (multiple times) and killed (once) a young man named Michael Brown for what seems to be no goddamned reason whatsoever. Anonymous are looking to out the name of the cop, because the city has dummied up. 

It’s bad enough that a cop shot and killed a young man who, witnesses say, had his hands up and was telling the officer he was unarmed. It’s bad enough that the town’s law enforcement now resembles a team hunting down Osama bin Laden more than a police department. 

As citizens lawfully and peacefully protest the homicide of Michael Brown, the town is pushing the Constitutional envelope to its outer limits

To top it off, a SWAT team today came into a McDonalds and arbitrarily arrested two journalists who were there eating and charging their devices without cause or charge, assaulting at least one of them. As arbitrarily and quickly as they were arrested, they were released without explanation. Wesley Lowery of the Washington Post and Ryan Reilly of the Huffington Post have been wronged. 

Heads should (figuratively) roll over this homicide, this cover-up, this overreaction by a militarized police force, and this clear and obvious violation of the Constitution.