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Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Resigns From Congress

22 Jan

In a heart-wrenching video, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D – AZ) announced her resignation from Congress.

Still fighting back from traumatic injuries sustained during a horrific shooting last year, Rep. Giffords has made tremendous progress. She alludes to a return to public life in the video, but declares her need to focus her energies on her recovery in the short term.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a close friend of Rep. Giffords, released the following statement:

For the past year, Gabby Giffords has inspired the nation with her fierce determination and courage. Today, Gabby has announced she is stepping down from Congress. While I’m sorry to see her leave Congress, I know this is the best decision for her and her family, and I also know that she will find other ways to continue to serve this nation. I’m so proud of her and feel incredibly blessed to call her my dear friend.

The Tuscon shooting was a dark chapter in our history, but the determination shown by Rep. Giffords in the aftermath has been an inspiration. A truly courageous woman.