The WNY Tea Party, Tinfoil Hats and Paladino

13 Apr

After being informed that he was discussing our website, I begrudgingly tuned into Sandy Beach’s radio show on WBEN.  Of course, the content of the discussion was the Carl Paladino horse porn/racism kerfuffle and the “liberal media” and “liberal blogs”.

Beach claimed that by publishing Carl’s own words, we were unfairly maligning members of the local tea party as racist hatemongers.  Umm, ok.

I generally don’t paint people with a broad brush. “Labels disable” and all.

However, there is a mountain of evidence that some members of our local tea party movement are fully badged members of the tinfoil hat mafia.

Might they be motivated to protest for reasons other than their stated opposition to “out of control government spending” and “tyranny”?  Might they be simple, mildly educated and misinformed voters who have been sold a line of propaganda that “the blayyycks” and “the messicans” are coming to take their jobs and move into their neighborhood?

I mean, there has to be a reason why life just hasn’t turned out the way they imagined it would, right?  Their job sucks, they don’t earn enough, their wives won’t sleep with them, their kids are disappointments.  Someone has to be to blame…must be the government and those damned unions and the black guy who stole the Presidential election with those black ACORN commies.  He pals around with terrorists and plans to take their guns and freedom!  Hell, Barry Soetero is a Muslim from Kenya!  An islamo-fascist sleeper agent sent here to destroy America and force them to pray to Mecca.  THEY WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK, DAMN IT!

So, is Sandy Beach right?  Are we unfairly maligning some members of the WNY tea party?  Spend a little time on the Tea Party Google Group Mailing List, “Reform NYS” and make your own decision.  We report, you decide and all that jazz.

Allen Coniglio is the leader of  the local chapter of the Tea Party.  He introduced all the speakers (including Carl Paladino) at yesterday’s Tea Party Express event in Buffalo.  After his turn as master of ceremonies was complete, Allen Coniglio was asked to comment on the WNYMedia story about Carl Paladino’s racist and bestiality email history. Here’s what he said:

Buffalo Tea Party organizer Allen Coniglio told me that Paladino is a “decent person” and that this story is a smear.

Coniglio made it clear that he and the Buffalo Tea Party denounced the content of the e-mails and “do not support any racist positions of any kind. ” This story, he said, was the kind of thing he’d come to expect from the media and liberal activists.”

I’m glad to see Coniglio denounce Carl’s racist and pornographic emails, perhaps he should move on to denouncing his own words.

Coniglio, discussing if American society can be “saved” from big government and whether we can “salvage a cancerous and devastated system”.

People are different (ed. from the 18th and 19th century) because there are many more unproductive slackers due to big government, new slaveholder interventions and slave breeding programs. People of the type created by these programs would not have existed in any measurable quantity as there would have been little possibility of survival prior to the advent of the modern welfare state.

Slacking is now in the genes of the people who have been on welfare for 3 or 4 generations or more and these people are now, for all intents and purposes, societally worthless, ineducable and probably beyond redemption.

Yes, they are different because they have been bred to do nothing but slack and vote for Democrats by their slavemasters Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Reid, Kerry, Kennedy, the Clintons, etc..

and then there is this doozy:

If blacks knew what was best for them, they would all run from the plantation mentality, new slaveholder Democrats and their evildoing lapdogs in the media.

The actual fact of the matter is that very few humans are fully capable of governing themselves despite many libertarian’s utopian fantasies and, without a strong government presence in the society at large, chaos will inevitably ensue. After the cleansing of humanity and the removal of large numbers of reprobates and worthless, violent slackers (which has already begun), libertarians may have a better chance of selling their now, untenable and impractical philosophy.

It’s not just frequent talk about the new slaveholders, the plantation mentality, the general malevolence towards and fear of “the other”, it’s also general tinfoil hat stuff as well.

It is my concern that something like this [the Reichstag fire – no seriously] will happen in the US. I do not doubt for one minute that obama and his thugs are capable of such an action and I am more than certain that should he find it impossible to to rig the elctions  in 2010 or 2012 to allow him to continue his policies or, if he finds himself on the verge of being exposed as a noncitizen, having been born in Kenya, that would be his cue.

This man (Obama) is a terrorist, a thug, an unscrupulous, classless human being. He will do whatever he believes he can get away with. He is not bound by any ethical or moral concerns as most people would be. Like Hitler, he will do anything to impose his will on the people of this country and ultimately, the world. Prepare yourselves. Do not abandon your efforts. Be eternally vigilant, as that is the price of freedom.”

This is America. People get to have an opinion, I get it.  However, if you want to play in polite society or be the Governor of New York, it’s often a good idea to disassociate oneself from the lunatic fringe.

This email list is chock full of absolute conspiracy-laden insanity. They are believers in the New World Order and the Trilateral Commission, make predictions of a Mexican invasion of America, are fearful of forced vaccinations, talk about the government putting the “mark of the beast” on them, casually discuss how Obama is an illegitimate muslim communist maoist, etc.

These are the people who make up the vital core of Carl Paladino’s electoral base.  This is who supports him.  This is who he sought counsel from prior to running for office.  Allen Coniglio is the man who introduced Carl at the Tea Party rally yesterday.

So, are we making these people out to be racists, demagogues and fringe lunatics?

No, they’re doing a perfectly solid job doing it on their own.

Welcome to the Tea Party Revolution, tin foil hats provided by FreedomWorks and the John Birch Society.  To join the revolution, head over to Paladino For The People and sign up to volunteer on the campaign with Allen.

43 Responses to “The WNY Tea Party, Tinfoil Hats and Paladino”

  1. Jon Splett April 13, 2010 at 8:16 pm #

    Couldn’t have said it better myself Chris…kudos. 

  2. joegreco April 13, 2010 at 8:44 pm #

    Chris, what do you bring to the table besides your baseless accusations? Carl at least brings a WNY voice to Statewide issues and I think WNY desperately needs a voice in this very very important election. You are a nobody and will always be a nobody.

  3. joegreco April 13, 2010 at 8:45 pm #

    Keep trying to smear him…you will lose big guy.

    • Christopher Smith April 13, 2010 at 10:42 pm #

      Smearing implies that any of the things I have written are untrue. Posting the admitted words of others, facts, and links is simply reporting. We have made nothing up, Carl admits to sending the emails we posted and the information above was pulled off the Tea Party’s own local website.

      • Mike In WNY April 14, 2010 at 10:42 am #

        Smearing is an attempt to destroy someone’s reputation. Spin it any way you want, what you are doing is still smearing.

        Monica did Bill, or if you prefer, Bill did Monica. That is factual, yet it was still used to smear Clinton.

      • Jon Splett April 14, 2010 at 3:33 pm #

        So by that definition, all the ‘Obama is a socialist!’ nonsense is smearing as well, right?

      • Ken April 14, 2010 at 11:06 pm #

        No, what Christopher is doing is reporting, not smearing. It’s not that complicated.

  4. Natgeogirl April 13, 2010 at 8:46 pm #

    Please tell me again who you support for governor? and why???? AND what they would do to fix this mess we have all had a part in creating over the years in Albany?

    • Christopher Smith April 13, 2010 at 10:38 pm #

      I haven’t yet decided who I support for Governor. I’ll be interested to hear the plans each candidate has to fix the fundamental, structural issues that afflict this state.

      I’ll wait for substantive proposals from the serious candidates before I make up my mind.

      I’ve written over 2,000 articles on this site and others detailing my proposed fixes for the local and state government. Stick around, poke around and read some of them. I hope you enjoy the site.

      • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 9:39 am #

        I live in D.C. and had to move away right after graduating from Bonaventure because there were no good paying jobs in the area in my field Journalism/Mass Communications. Almost all of my highschool friends and college friends have moved away. I have a great deal of respect for a Carl Paladino who seems to understand what is broken in this State and am willing to at least give him a shot and hear him out once this election cycle really begins. Why must you count him out already? I would really like to know what his candidacy would do to hurt the chances of this State especially Upstate and WNY making an economic recovery? Something has not been working and I for one am sick and tired of waiting for someone else to clean up this mess. Keep tearing him apart and smearing him and see how much good that does for you and the region. I am still registered in Amherst and will absolutely be casting my vote for the WNY native and the only candidate who will actually enact teh fundamental institutional reforms necessary for fixing this State. You are a fool for just waiting and seeing what the other candidates have to offer. This State and Region are the laughingstock of the Country. WNY media just did a huge disservice for anyone who calls this area home or anyone who wants to move back home. Thanks Alot.

      • Alan Bedenko April 15, 2010 at 10:17 am #

        I live in D.C. and had to move away right after graduating from Bonaventure because there were no good paying jobs in the area in my field Journalism/Mass Communications.

        I didn’t know “good paying jobs” existed for any entry-level recent grad in journalism or mass communications, anywhere. Out of interest, were there “bad paying jobs” locally? Nevertheless, good luck.

        Almost all of my highschool friends and college friends have moved away. I have a great deal of respect for a Carl Paladino who seems to understand what is broken in this State and am willing to at least give him a shot and hear him out once this election cycle really begins. Why must you count him out already? I would really like to know what his candidacy would do to hurt the chances of this State especially Upstate and WNY making an economic recovery? Something has not been working and I for one am sick and tired of waiting for someone else to clean up this mess. Keep tearing him apart and smearing him and see how much good that does for you and the region.

        1. Most of your friends moved away because there are few opportunities in a place that hasn’t yet shed its heavy industrial mantle. But maybe if you read this post, you’ll see why Carl’s “angry man” schtick is redundant, uninspiring, and unpersuasive. What, exactly, does Carl think he’ll accomplish in his promised one term if, by some miracle, he wins? Nothing. He can’t abrogate existing contracts, he can’t act like a dictator and just cut stuff, willy-nilly. And the power interests in Albany know he’ll be gone in four years, so all they need to do is wait him out – they can, and they will. His platform is as much a fairytale joke as his campaign.

        I am still registered in Amherst and will absolutely be casting my vote for the WNY native and the only candidate who will actually enact teh fundamental institutional reforms necessary for fixing this State.

        What are you doing voting for the governor of New York State if you’ve lived in the District of Columbia for at least a half a year? Shouldn’t you have already established your domicile and changed your address, driver’s license, etc to DC? Of course. You have no business charting New York’s course from a non-state.

        You are a fool for just waiting and seeing what the other candidates have to offer.

        Yes. How dare we let a political campaign of five months’ time play out! How dare we permit candidates in an adversarial process to persuade us voters, and attack each other in the course of a campaign season! What kind of fools are we to do that!?

        This State and Region are the laughingstock of the Country. WNY media just did a huge disservice for anyone who calls this area home or anyone who wants to move back home. Thanks Alot.

        No, Carl Paladino is the laughingstock of the country. We did a huge service to the voters of the state of New York. Perhaps a small part of your inability to find a job in mass communications stems – ever so slightly – from the fact that you don’t realize “a lot” is two words.

      • Jon Splett April 15, 2010 at 11:36 am #

        Somehow, I doubt you’re working in journalism.

        Journalists use paragraphs.

      • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm #

        Alan, there is opportunity outside of WNY is all that I meant. The opportunity is gone because you cannot do business in this area. Yes de-industrialization played a role in this regions decline but the major reason we have not climbed out of our hole like other areas is that we have special interests killing us and taxing us to death. You may laugh about my comment about you not letting someone like a Carl Paladino enter into this election but somehow I do not see the logic behind shutting someone like him out when he can add so much to the discussion. I mean Cuomo will not even announce he is running yet. How Democratic is that and as for Lazio and Levy they are both bought and owe these same special interests that are choking us to death. Please spare me your annoying sarcasm and get down to the facts. What are the answers? What would you like to see happen in November? What are any of the solutions your small brain can come up with?

      • Alan Bedenko April 15, 2010 at 3:06 pm #

        the major reason we have not climbed out of our hole like other areas is that we have special interests killing us and taxing us to death.

        And what you’re deliberately being ignorant of is the very real, provable, salient fact that Carl Paladino counted himself among the most special of special interests. His relationships with politicians and would-be politicians spans decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and in-kind contributions. This whole Paladino-the-populist schtick has you convinced, but it’s about as real as the ingredients in a Twinkie. And just as substantive.

        You may laugh about my comment about you not letting someone like a Carl Paladino enter into this election but somehow I do not see the logic behind shutting someone like him out when he can add so much to the discussion. I mean Cuomo will not even announce he is running yet. How Democratic is that and as for Lazio and Levy they are both bought and owe these same special interests that are choking us to death.

        I don’t know whether Lazio and Levy are any more or less “bought” than any other politician, Carl included. Carl made his millions renting to government entities, for God’s sake. Without government spending, he’d be nothing. Albany spending gave him those millions. And frankly no one is kicking Carl out of the race. Last I checked, he was quixotically continuing his pointless campaign to become a spoiler.

        Please spare me your annoying sarcasm and get down to the facts. What are the answers? What would you like to see happen in November? What are any of the solutions your small brain can come up with?

        What I’d like to see happen in November won’t happen. Not if the governor’s mansion is taken by Cuomo, Lazio, Levy, or Paladino. So, what’s the purpose of your trite and sarcastic question? (BTW – if you don’t want sarcastic responses, you might try to avoid leaving them yourself). Furthermore, if you want to see the solutions my “small brain” can think up, I suggest you utilize the search function that this blog so thoughtfully provides and do a search for the “Albany” or “reform” or “dysfunction” tags. At least for a start. Then you might search the “unicam” or “unicameral” tags. Lots of solutions spelled out over hundreds of posts over the years. So you can save the lecture for Carl Paladino, whose only solution is to motherfuck Shelly Silver, mock Andrew Cuomo, and propose blanket tax & spending cuts.

        And by the way, part of the reason why it’s hard to do business in this area is because, like most everything in Buffalo, it’s not how you do something, but whom you know. It’s connections over merit.

      • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 5:25 pm #

        Alan, I challenge you to name one successful Upstate NY developer or businessman who has not given to politicians for both parties. Are all developers and businessmen in this area evil and crooked for playing the game that Albany and our local officials set? Carl is calling them all out for the system they help keep in place. I know this is a childish thing to say but don’t hate the player hate the game. As for the government leases is it somehow Carl’s fault that our economy is so in the tank that our public sector is downtown Buffalo’s largest tenant? Are you implying that it is Carl’s fault that he is a good landlord to these State tenants and has the lowest bid on these competitively bid projects?

  5. Mike Walsh April 13, 2010 at 9:20 pm #

    “The actual fact of the matter is that very few humans are fully capable of governing themselves despite many libertarian’s utopian fantasies and, without a strong government presence in the society at large, chaos will inevitably ensue.”

    I think you and Allen agree on that statement, Chris.

  6. magnachef April 14, 2010 at 2:40 am #

    I’m on a an old Ron Paul meetup list with Allen and he’s not a Libertarian by any means. His Christian based, Obama birth certificate fearing, neo-conservative views generally cause him to get lambasted by the actual Libertarians in the group. Unfortunately there are people in all political groups that attach themselves to a cause while not understanding its principles.

    In my opinion, Tea Party, Allen, Carl P, etc, are not a good representative of the rational and well informed Libertarians I know…they just happen to be the loudest.

    • Christopher Smith April 14, 2010 at 10:02 am #

      None of them are libertarians at all. The neo-conservatives and bible thumpers co-opted the Ron Paul movement months ago and the differences between the groups are severe.

    • James April 14, 2010 at 10:14 am #

      I completely agree that the movement that was the tea party has been hijacked from rational thinking by disenfranchised and bizaare elements of a conservative Republican fear mongering elite. While the Tea Party, which I do believe sprung up because of the policies of GWB, did a justifiable job of expressing the discontent of citizens it has unfortunately given sway to destructive and inept prejudices many Americans quietly hold on to. When I first heard about the Tea Party I was excited and wanted to become part of a movement to help bring noble libertarianism back to our governing system. Unfortunately, a few (growing ever more) loud-mouthed arrogant and ignorant people helped fuel a liberal distrust of the movement from the beginning. These two forces have coupled to form a pseudo-platform for a movement that, much like libertarianism, has been hard to catagorize. It’s unfortunate that a rational dialogue with the disenfranchised Americans that flock to the tea party movement has not been available. I’m frustrated with the Libertarian movement as a party system as well because it seeks to replace the old machine with the same machine in a different color that maybe will make slightly different widgets. I can’t say enough that Conservatives and Libertarians have to split on many, especially morally weighted, issues and should discontinue their lousy relationship. As a Libertarian my ideals hold far more closely to Liberal policy especially with social welfare and taxation systems — many Liberal Democrats might be surprised to find a whole new base of support from within the Tea Party movement if they could espress the long term goals of their socialist ideals without ignorant pandering Conservatives getting in the way by appealing to the lowest common denominator.

  7. Michael April 14, 2010 at 12:23 pm #

    So this arriving hot on the heels of yesterday’s downtown rally for the local racist, tin-foil hat sedition element is ENTIRELY coincidental. Entirely.
    I anticipate the simultaneous, goal post moving, back pedaling gymnastics.

  8. Gabe April 14, 2010 at 4:27 pm #

    Some of Coniglio’s words are nostalgically reminiscent of Mein Kampf.

  9. Lefty April 15, 2010 at 8:24 am #

    WBEN is spinning in their tracks. Bauerle has been beside himself on the air with his listeners not agreeing with his assessment that Paladino’s campaign is over. He has taught his lemmings well. Beach and his listeners twist and turn to find blame in everyone else and for not having a ‘sense of humor.’

    Paladino exposed the Tea Party for exactly what they are and have been trying desperately theses past few months to disclaim: racists.

  10. Virginia April 15, 2010 at 11:32 am #

    I was shaking when I heard Sandy Beach paint anyone who couldn’t see the “humor” in the “run n run” cartoon as not having a sense of humor. I’m not quite sure in what circle (besides a group of racists) that it could be seen as anything besides hateful. He sank to new low trying to defend that awful trash coming from low class Carl P. He and anyone agreeing with him need to examine just why they consider that funny. I am sad that things have come to this in the United States and in New York. I thought we as New Yorkers at least were above racism. Sadly I was mistaken.

  11. Robert April 15, 2010 at 12:10 pm #

    The more the looney left tries to intimidate this guy out of the race, the more I will do what I can to support Carl Paladino in quest for Governor! New York State is diseased and Paladino is the cure. I can think of $10 million reasons why I think Boy Cuomo’s supporters were behind making off-color emails public. I bet smart money Prince Andrew has received and/or sent similar emails. A matter of time before they surface. But of course, the lemmings in the biased dinosaur media will give Cuomo a pass. BTW: don’t you people remember what Cuomo said about Obama in 2008? Here are Boy Cuomo’s words: “You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference.”

  12. beastfan April 15, 2010 at 1:17 pm #

    Chris – I’m not at all surprised at the number of comments on here attacking you for posting direct quotes from Coniglio. It’s easier for the Teabaggers to jump on you as the messenger as opposed to dealing with the content of what you posted. They don’t understand “smearing” would imply you falsified your information. Of course, I’ll bet a cup of coffee that if the unflattering article had been about Obama, they’d probably commend you for it. I see stocks in Reynolds Wrap going up this week.

  13. godinogo April 15, 2010 at 5:13 pm #

    at the end of the day.. we are a region in much disarray.. a state in much disarray and a group in much disarray.. that which carl paladino finds funny, or does in his spare time is no ones business but carls… it is just another lame attempt to keep our f’ed up government the way it is.. 

    • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 5:35 pm #

      Thank you!!! Exactly my point! IMHO unless Chris or Alan want to run for office themselves they should stick to the issues in their criticisms of Carl not Private emails he sent to friends. Or else they should consider themselves part of the problem in this area. Why do we continue to accept the fact that we are doomed to this cycle of incompetence in government year after year after year?

      • Christopher Smith April 15, 2010 at 6:58 pm #

        The level of your cognitive dissonance is absolutely astounding. Also, Alan once ran for public office and I am considering a campaign this year.

      • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 11:59 pm #

        exacty my point lol and will you stand a chance in hell of being elected??? NO

      • Natgeogirl April 16, 2010 at 12:02 am #

        Chris, maybe you would like to answer the questions I asked Alan? Can you name one successfull Upstate developer who has not had to pay to play or at least donate to politicians in this State? Also how is the fact that downtown and this regions largest tenant is government or public sector offices? Should you not be hating the game that Carl is in fact calling out instead of hating the player?

      • Christopher Smith April 16, 2010 at 12:50 am #

        I don’t intend to answer questions from someone hiding their identity as a member of the Paladino family. It’s not an honest discussion or debate. It’s not as if anything I say will somehow sway your opinion nor contribute to the discussion.

        You are free to post comments here and list your criticisms of our work, my viewpoint and our website. I have no intention of editing your comments, censoring you in anyway or prohibiting you from posting your thoughts.

        Have a great day!

      • Natgeogirl April 16, 2010 at 12:07 am #

        Chris, why would you delete my comments?

      • Christopher Smith April 16, 2010 at 12:15 am #

        I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’ve posted 15 comments here in 24 hours and none of them have been edited, deleted or censored.

      • Natgeogirl April 16, 2010 at 12:13 am #

        Why would you sensor my comments? Is it perhaps because you may agree? Is it perhaps because you 5 minutes of fame are now over? The truth (if you allow this be published) is that any successful developer in Upstate NY has to give to the money hungry corrupt politicians. The system is what is screwed up, the same pay to play game Carl is railing against. As for Carl’s leases with the State how is it his fault that as downtown Buffalo’s largest landowner he rents to downtown Buffalo’s and this regions single largest tenant the public sector. Something is seriously wrong here and it is not the stupid emails.

      • Natgeogirl April 16, 2010 at 12:13 am #


      • Kevin J. April 16, 2010 at 11:23 am #

        Wow; first, an alleged journalist/mass communicator doesn’t know that “a lot” is not “alot,” and now she doesn’t know that censor and censoring are acts performed by the government. AP Style Books aren’t class requirements any more?

  14. Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 5:36 pm #


    • Natgeogirl April 15, 2010 at 5:40 pm #

      That HA was because I thought you deleted my previous comment, however it was a computer glitch on my part. My bad. As for my points I guess we can agree to disagree but I see his candidacy as a net positive for this area. His personal life may be horrid but as a businessman in Upstate he knows how the pay to play game goes and how government can impede the growth of business in this state. Not every area is like this. The fact that he would put his business and himself on the line to correct this horribly corrupt system to finally instill good government, I believe should be commended not condemned such as you and your friends have done.

  15. Dave April 15, 2010 at 5:49 pm #

    Carl Paladino isn’t really a bad guy. But as a potential politician he is an absolute failure. He has no training in the job. His current job entails many skills and efforts that are useless and in fact poisionous to an elected representative of our great republic. He talks about “emergency powers” that he would enact – without the simple understanding of how exactly a representative government works. He is unpolished, untutored, and a moral reprobate. These are not the hallmarks of a great successful governor (read the word govern in that). Now, you might wish for a dictator to right our sinking ship. Folks have, thoughout the life of our republic, wished for the same benevolent, fasicist, government style. I however, will love and support our current system and fight to the death for it to persevere. And in that quest, we have elections, we have laws, and we have public policies. These are in place to guard against the same kind of flash in the pan cretins that would use their temporary popularity to make themselves king. You might wish to read about George Washington and take your inspiration from a great man like him, rather than this clearly racist ranting coming from this group of american frauds.

  16. Jim Kistner April 16, 2010 at 1:29 pm #

    This is really a non-story. This is Smith seeking to further his tree huggers agenda. He needs to go back to University and complete a further degree. Since when does the Paladino family not count? Smith is no Woodward. He was supplied the forwards, he did not locate them in the trash after an extensive search. No work involved, just timing. Smith re-released an old story on the day that he himself was at the Navy Park Tax Party trying to get footage to skuttle forward momentum of free people. The timing was meant to discourage and diswad those seeking a difference, something, a change from Smith’s democratic Brown supporting insiders.

  17. Jim Kistner April 16, 2010 at 1:31 pm #

    “Your comment is awaiting moderation” See Smith doesn’t understand the First Amendment either.

    • Christopher Smith April 16, 2010 at 4:14 pm #

      Due to high traffic, all comments are going into a server queue and are automatically published in batches. Usually takes a 5-7 minutes for the page to update. No comments have been edited, trashed or deleted this week. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Kevin J. April 17, 2010 at 1:01 pm #

      “(Chris) Smith doesn’t understand the First Amendment?” The First Amendment protects speech against government action, not private.

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