Bass Pro, writ small

12 Jan

The Buffalo News’ Sharon Linstedt is reporting that, as Tuesday’s deadline for a signed deal with Bass Pro approaches, the negotiations have turned away from the Aud once and for all, and are now focusing on a 1.5 acre corner of waterfront property across the street.

At the top of list is the historic Central Wharf, across Scott Street from the Aud, directly on the Buffalo River. The approximately 1.5-acre site, adjacent to the recently rewatered Commercial Slip, is being eyed for a store that would resemble an original, early 1800s commercial structure.

What was nice about the release of a pre-contract contract – the MOU – was that we had a handle on what the deal was shaping up to be. If suddenly there’s a binding contract released on or before Tuesday, and it involves an investment of public money, it will be a sorry shame that we have been kept in the dark for lo, these many months with respect to what’s been going on with Bass Pro.

The fact that the negotiations have been taking place regarding public money, yet with no public knowledge or input is shameful – and we ought to insist that it’s the last damn time it ever happens. Whether it’s $35 million or $66 million or $300,000, we should know what’s going on before it’s finalized.

The Bass Pro they’re talking about now may be as big as an average Tops. Wow.

While the Central Wharf property requires no cleanup or demolition, its use as a retail footprint flies in the face of existing plans to create public access on the city-owned historic site. Slated to be landscaped with a mix of trees, shrubs, open lawn and an iris garden this spring, it is part of the ongoing $49 million effort to re-establish the 12.5-acre Erie Canal Harbor site.

So, what to do with the Aud?

It remains a publicly-owned asset. Its antiquated, asbestos-laden innards will remain as a barrier to development for the foreseeable future.

I think we should take a portion of the public money that was going to be used in support of the Bass Pro Aud project (2001 – 2007), and demolish the newer parts of the Aud while retaining its deco facade. Remediate the asbestos and make the land behind the facade “shovel-ready”. Require that any future development of that parcel incorporate the old facade into the design (among other things – this is where smart-coding the whole Canal Side project comes into play to prevent its Bendersonization). That is a proper use for the money, and enables developers to take a second look at the property.

As for the contents of the Aud – the seats, scoreboard, and other removable paraphenalia – call Cash Cunningham and sign up for eBay.

6 Responses to “Bass Pro, writ small”

  1. Mike from Grand Island January 12, 2007 at 3:15 pm #

    If BP isn’t going into the Aud I hope we’re not throwing money at them still. Mr Quinn suggested beginning to remediate the Aud immediately and I agree. Clean and clear that area. Make public spaces, fountains, and infrastructure but don’t spend money subsidizing retail. I could change my mind if someone showed me some sales demand forecasts that support the concept that bass pro will form the nucleus of a cluster down there. Until then, I’m reticent. Please don’t make another Rainbow Mall.

  2. Paul January 16, 2007 at 11:19 am #

    This race to demolish the aud to create a “shovel ready” site is a delusion that has plagued Buffalonians for decades. I guarantee once it is taken down it will become a huge surface parking lot and stay there forever. Do you know how many examples of shovel ready sites there are in Buffalo? Frank Lloyd Wright’s Larkin Building was sacrificed for one. The Chamber of Commerce Building and Bank of Buffalo. There is a huge surface parking lot directly in front of HSBC arena and we see how attractive that shovel ready site has been to developers.
    The asbestos issue is so overblown. Virtually every building built before 1978 has some sort of asbestos, its part of life, get over it. Besides the aud had a major HVAC renovation in the late 80’s, where I’m sure a great deal of the asbestos was removed.
    Until a signed contract for a project to replace the Aud is in place, it should not be demolished, or we can all be sure we’ll be looking at another expanse of asphalt.


  1. Buffalo Geek - January 12, 2007

    What To Do With The Buffalo Memorial Auditorium?…

    It would appear that any deal, if one is to be reached, with Bass Pro regarding a store on the Buffalo waterfront will not include renovation of the Buffalo Memorial Auditorium.
    So, with the dream of a renovated building, an intermodal transportation h…

  2. In da Buff: Naked Words from the Naked City - January 12, 2007

    […] Notorious B Geekster and the Buffalo Pundito both have posts today about what they feel should be done with da Aud…my turn! […]

  3. » Wal*Bass on the water - January 12, 2007

    […] The Bass Pro insanity has reached a new height with word today that that local development officials are discussing building a Tops Supermarket size bait shop looming over the historic Erie Canal slip.  It’s ably reported by Buffalo Pundit and in today’s Buffalo News.  […]

  4. » WALL*BASS on the water - January 12, 2007

    […] The Bass Pro insanity has reached a new height with word today that that local development officials are discussing building a Tops Supermarket size bait shop looming over the historic Erie Canal slip.  It’s ably reported by Buffalo Pundit and in today’s Buffalo News.  […]

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