The War Kids 990s

21 Aug

The Buffalo News has seen them, and confirms:

Congressional candidate Jon Powers released documents Wednesday showing that he earned $15,000 from his Iraq children’s charity in the first five months of 2007 — a year in which the organization raised only $41,738.

But the Powers campaign also released a letter from Veterans for America, the huge veterans organization where Powers worked, showing that the $60,000 he earned in 2006 was tied to his job as vice president for policy for that organization, as well as the War Kids Relief effort he ran there.

“Our opponents keep trying to frame it as if Jon was trying to rob War Kids blind, and it’s patently false,” said John Gerken, Powers’ campaign manager. “The claim that he took $77,000 from War Kids is patently false.”

Davis and whoever else can paint War Kids as a failure if they’re so inclined, but the original smear was false on its face. I think definitely it helps Davis in the primary. If he hands out $50 bills with his lit. Powers has the grassroots. Davis has the gasroots.

The sad thing in all this is that Jack Davis has taken something noble, something that Powers really believed in, although it didn’t accomplish everything it set out to, but did good nonetheless, and threw it in the mud and spat on it. To me, as a voter in that district, Jack Davis has revealed himself to be worse than just a flawed candidate with ugly views. He’s human filth.

UPDATE: To all of the commenters who have done so much more than Jon Powers to address the plight of the young Iraqi kids affected by the war, here is a list of War Kids’ accomplishments under Powers’ watch:

On Friday, August 15th, 2008, Jon Powers submitted the IRS form 990 to the Internal Revenue Service to comply with filing requirements for War Kids Relief. The form shows that for the fiscal year 2007, War Kids Relief raised $41,738. Powers also made available an IRS form 990 in anticipation of fiscal year 2008 showing that War Kids Relief raised $25,000 prior to being reorganized under another 501(c)(3).

Powers also furnished a letter from his former employer, Veterans For America, detailing their involvement with War Kids and his role with both organizations. Under VFA, War Kids Relief was able to raise $68,336.

Below are the facts with regard to the financial numbers for War Kids Relief:

• Total Raised: $135,074;
• Total Spent on Salary: $18,900, of which $15,000 went to Jon Powers;
• Total Spend on Educational, Advocacy, and Service Programs: $100,303.80;
• Total Spent on overhead at VFA: $15,870.20. (20% per VFA’s government approved NICRA rate)

The $100,303.80 spent on educational, advocacy, and service programs went toward:

• Collaborating in Baghdad with UNICEF, USAID, Department of Defense personnel, the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Iraqi Child Welfare Council, and the World Bank to design a model for child care for children abandoned as a result of the Iraq War;

• Research and presentation to the RAND Corporation regarding Positive Youth Development to Deter Youth Radicalism;

• Research and publication of “Iraq’s Youth at a Time of War,” in Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies Review Journal.

• Development and pilot of the Youth Center Work Study Program with the Iraqi Minister of Youth and Sports to engage Iraq’s out of school youth;

• Development and pilot of a Youth Conference between American and Iraqi Students in coordination with Iraq Embassy personnel.

• Developing programs with Iraqi youth oriented NGO’s in Kurdistan to provide crucial links between Iraqi and American youth.

While with VFA, Powers was paid to work on the following:

• July 2005 – Started at VFA as program manager of War Kids Relief.

• May 2006 – Vice President of Policy for War Kids Relief (paired with his role as program manager of War Kids Relief)

• Generally: Provided research and program development with fellow Veterans to publicize and correct the problems facing returning soldiers and veterans. Helped develop legislation with VFA colleagues and fellow veterans.

• Summer 2006 – Witness to National Institute of Health on PTSD DSM-4 hearings.

• December 2006 – Witness to Department of Defense Mental Health Task Force under Lieutenant General Kiley. Provided research and testimony on suicidal veterans prior to the Joshua Omvig Bill.

• Specific legislation that Powers worked on:
– Lane Evans Bill requiring VA to do reports on the War.
– Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act – Extending Health Care from 2-5 years.
– Homelessness Prevention Act.

• VFA worked with Bob Woodruff on his work at ABC – To Iraq and Back

• Spokesperson on BBC, CNN, CBC, and other major news outlets

• February 2007 – Toured Walter Reed Hospital the day after the Washington Post broke the story.

• January 2007-March 2007 – VFA decides to refocus on Veterans issues exclusively and War Kids Relief becomes its own 501(c)(3).

116 Responses to “The War Kids 990s”

  1. Jon Splett August 21, 2008 at 9:41 am #

    “But the Powers campaign also released a letter from Veterans for America, the huge veterans organization where Powers worked, showing that the $60,000 he earned in 2006 was tied to his job as vice president for policy for that organization, as well as the War Kids Relief effort he ran there.”

    Um, how is the smear false when Veterans for America acknowledges that Powers was paid $60,000 in relation to work on War Kids?

    Just because they threw another title on his name doesn’t mean he didn’t make $75,000 directly related to his work with War Kids.

    Helping kids is great and all but plenty of people do it for free. Powers made more than the average person living in Erie County makes for doing it.

    Both these candidates are human filth.

  2. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 9:43 am #

    I’d re-read that paragraph again, Splett. And the $77k total was spread over 2 years, making it only about $4k more than the average person in the district earns.

  3. Mike Hudson Is Drunk August 21, 2008 at 9:50 am #

    [EDIT] I’m not going to tolerate this kind of shit. KTHXBAI

  4. The Wizard August 21, 2008 at 9:51 am #

    Only $15k was War Kids money, Splett. Let Hudson continue the smears.

  5. Russell August 21, 2008 at 10:12 am #

    Oh, I see. When we thought it was $77,000 of $250,000, or about 31% of the charity’s money, we were way off. It was actually $15,000 of $41,738, 36% of the charity’s take. That’s so much better once you put it like that.

    Does Jonny have an absolutely right to make about the same amount as the average person in his district, no matter where he gets it from?

  6. Dan Meyer August 21, 2008 at 10:12 am #

    I agree with Splett. Both of these guys make me uncomfortable, at least when it comes to their actions related to this issue and how they have reacted to one another’s attacks on their campaign.

    I can’t vote on Primary Day – I’m unaffiliated and not registered with any party – but for those who are going to take the time to vote on September 9th, ask yourself this – can I trust this person to do the right thing in Washington as a representative for myself and my family?

    Think about it.

  7. Russell August 21, 2008 at 10:12 am #

    Sorry, “absolute right”

  8. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 10:21 am #

    Jon Powers worked for two non-profits and got paid for it. Wow.

  9. The Wizard August 21, 2008 at 10:25 am #

    Most people do get paid for running non-profits!! Gasp!! Mullen.

  10. Martin Van Buren August 21, 2008 at 10:26 am #

    You can’t get away from the facts. He failed at running this charity. Publicly stating that your goal is to raise $7 million dollars and coming through with $135,074 is a dismal failure. He made a good buck, got his name out into the public arena, didn’t accomplish a goddamned thing and is now opportunistically running for congress.

    If Reynolds’ had announced that he was retiring back in 2007, Jon Powers wouldn’t be in the top 2,000 candidates to represent this community in congress. He has embellished every aspect of his resume since he got home from his service in Iraq. Why the hell should we send a guy to congress that has so little going for him? Just because you call yourself a leader doesn’t make you one.

    Sure, Jack Davis isn’t a saint, but he has been a real leader and has lead a very successful life. He has created a company from his garage and sends American products all over the globe. He employs people right here in WNY. He has done it his way, he tells it like it is.

    People are starting to learn that Powers is a phony. We all complain that we want change but only get more of the same. If you want another yes man in congress, go ahead and vote Powers. If you want to send someone that will do things differently and take 60 years of real experience to congress, vote Jack Davis in the primary!

  11. Joanne L. Capone August 21, 2008 at 10:30 am #

    Jon powers is an even bigger failure than I had thought…

    As Abe Lincoln had said:

    “You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time…but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

    Joanne L. Capone
    Executive Director
    Capone-DeSimone Institute for Peace and Social Justice

  12. The Wizard August 21, 2008 at 10:31 am #

    Capone, you are a fuckin loon! GO back to your closet and keep praying for those fetuses!!

  13. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 10:32 am #

    I think I’ll wait at least a few weeks before calling him a big failure.

  14. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 10:32 am #

    Hey, Joanne – I’ve asked you this about 5 times now, and yet you refuse to answer.

    Why are you supporting Jack Davis? He is pro-choice, after all.

  15. hank August 21, 2008 at 10:36 am #

    He made a good buck, got his name out into the public arena, didn’t accomplish a goddamned thing and is now opportunistically running for congress.

    Gee, if you changed Congress for President, you would have thought that the description was of the 6 years John Edwards was a Senator from North Carolina, or the 143 days that Barry Obama has served as Senator from Illinois.

  16. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 10:38 am #

    To the people who say he didn’t accomplish anything, you’re wrong.

  17. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 10:42 am #

    I guess War Kids Relief didn’t massively succeed the way that the “Capone-DeSimone Institute for Peace and Social Justice” did.

  18. Russell August 21, 2008 at 10:42 am #

    Yes, he failed miserably at something noble–not really something to run for Congress on.

  19. mike August 21, 2008 at 10:42 am #

    hank’s right we they could of least built a bridge to no where or ordered some trailors for an empty field.

  20. The Wizard August 21, 2008 at 10:48 am #

    Joanne Capone must have like 60 adopted children since she can’t stand to see fetuses aborted. Her Capone-Desimone Institute is also a massive failure since the Iraq War is still going on.

  21. Stinkeye August 21, 2008 at 10:48 am #

    Russell says: “Yes, he failed miserably at something noble–not really something to run for Congress on.”

    And yet John McCain made a political career out of failing miserably at bombing Hanoi. And then upon his return to the US he dumped his disabled wife to take up with a cute blond heiress millionaire.

    Yeah, we can’t have people failing miserably at something noble anywhere near Washington

  22. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 10:49 am #

    according to his own figures, he paid himself more than a third of the money people thought they were donating to iraqi war orphans.

    you’re right pundit, he ought to get a medal.

  23. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 10:55 am #

    Hudson, in the Reporter, you wrote:

    The beleaguered Powers campaign was rocked two weeks ago when the Buffalo News ran an article showing the candidate’s charity, War Kids Relief, had raised somewhere between $150,000 and $250,000 in order to build an orphanage for children in Iraq. The orphanage was never built, and the article stated that Powers paid himself as much as $77,000 in salary from the proceeds around the time he decided to run for Congress.

    More damaging revelations are expected this week, when the media lays its hands on the charity’s Internal Revenue Service 990 forms, which list revenues and expenditures, filed last week by Powers.

    I trust that you’ll be issuing a correction, since accuracy is among the hallmarks of good, credible journalism.

  24. distresing August 21, 2008 at 10:59 am #

    Is there a website or address for the Capone-DeSimone Institute for Peace and Social Justice? I can only find links to comments.

  25. army grunt August 21, 2008 at 11:03 am #

    he brought national attention to an issue that none of you assholes are willing to do anything about —

    the biggest failure is all of you bitching an moaning, what the fuck did you ever do for charity? Nothing

    Jack Davis a real leader? Bull shit – he created a fake website and is running an entire campaign on slander – because he has no platforms or ideas…. Save Jobs — great idea retard… how? How the fuck is Davis going to save jobs, by hiring everyone in WNY to work for IR Square-pants?

    How about instead of saving jobs we create jobs?

    If Powers ran the last election he would still be a better candidate than Davis- 4 years in the army and a year and a half in Iraq making the rank of Captain — that’s real leadership.

    You guys should all stap on a pair and go serve over there. I spent two tours in the sand box. I couldn’t imagine going back as a civilian without being strapped to the nines.

    All you haters are just a bunch of pussy bitches sitting in your basements thinking you have all the answers. You’ll all burn in hell for your actions.

    At least those of you not being paid by Davis to hate Powers… cause come Sept. 10th you won’t have a job anymore… and you’ll be begging Powers to create more jobs.

  26. Russell August 21, 2008 at 11:09 am #

    Um, Stinkeye, he didn’t fail at bombing Hanoi. He had already run something like 26 missions before he got shot down and he managed to unload his full cargo the time he was shot down, too. Compared to the shotdown, killed or capture rates in Vietnam, he was very successful. Jonny, and most of us, could only dream of failing that miserably.

  27. Russell August 21, 2008 at 11:11 am #

    grunt, none of us are trying to use anything we did as an excuse to serve in Congress, so it doesn’t matter what we did or didn’t do. And where and how did he bring national attention to this issue?

  28. Russell August 21, 2008 at 11:12 am #

    And, Jonny’s service does not make him a better candidate than Davis. Davis also served.

  29. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 11:17 am #

    Where and how did he bring national attention to the issue?

    Well there was Newsweek,


    The NBC Nightly News,

    You know, nothing major.

  30. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 11:21 am #

    Always nice to see Russell get crushed. Again.

  31. Russell August 21, 2008 at 11:28 am #

    None of that shows Jonny bringing this to people’s attention. He was used to comment on other things that brought attention to the issue. There was nothing unique or initiated by Jonny in any of those examples you posted.

    Gasp!, look into things yourself. Just because BP posts a link doesn’t mean it actually refutes what I said or crushes me. I see nothing in any of this that contradicts me. Did you read any of it before you posted?

  32. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 11:33 am #

    apparently, pundit, the 990s seen by the news cover five months of activity with war kids relief. as you know, previous articles discussed 18 months. so again, i don’t know what the truth is and neither do you.

    the 990s that were released showed that he paid himself 36 percent of the money he raised for war orphans, for which he should be commended. a lot of guys would love to be able to get away with that.

    you’ve said on this page that jack davis admitted to bribery, a felony crime in this state. did i miss the item about him being arrested, read his rights and posting bail?

    no, of course i didn’t. because it never happened. unlike the questions about powers’ “charitable” activities, which are reality-based, you and your comrades in the powers camp just made the whole fucking thing up about davis. and i’ve not seen any correction about that either.

    dan rivera, a key player in the powers campaign, had me subpeonaed by a state agency hoping to uncover some evidence of a tie between me and davis. those are the depths to which your campaign will stoop to elect a flimflam artist who paid his rent using campaign donations, got caught, then paid his rent with charitable donations and has been convicted of motherfucking a cop in my hometown.

  33. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 11:37 am #

    and army grunt, just this past may i raised $32,000 for community missions, a shelter for battered women that also operates a soup kitchen here in the falls. if i was jon powers, i’d have kept a little more than $10,000 of that for “bringing the issue to the attention of the public,” but i didn’t. i gave them all the money we took in, just like every year.

    you might want to call them to verify, pundit.

  34. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 11:40 am #

    But I bet the person who runs Community Missions gets paid.

  35. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 11:41 am #

    what a fucking moron.

  36. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 11:42 am #

    the question was, “what did you do for charity?’

  37. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 11:44 am #

    Apparently, hudson, the 990s cover the five months that War Kids existed as an entity separate from VFA, so you’re welcome to ask it for its 990s if you were enterprising enough to do so. I mean, why not just let Bob McCarthy do all the work for you, right?

    Davis’ apology and decision (weeks after the fact) to no longer pay off Orsini’s and Colon’s wives for “consulting” (wink-wink) services is tantamount to an admission to what Monroe IP Chair Walter Schiemann called “bribes”. After all, if they weren’t, then he’d have no problem continuing making the payments. And I’ve never seen Davis issue a denial to the bribery charge, have you? No. Maybe you can ask that “longtime Democratic strategist” in your mirror about it.

    Dan Rivera is a “key player in the Powers campaign?” Apart from being the chair of a party committee that endorsed Powers, could you please enlighten me as to the position Rivera holds with the Powers campaign, or are you again just making shit up out of whole cloth?

    Also, have you wished Mr. Rivera’s family and friends to eat shit and die? I’m just checking.

  38. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 11:47 am #

    Yep – and in your answer you compared your actions to Powers’. I pointed out the difference.

    Since you just just called yet another person a moron, I guess it’s now time for you to inveigh against “anonymous insults” or whatever. Yawn..

  39. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 11:56 am #

    pundit…the entire powers-davis race is of no interest to me personally. i don’t live in the district, as i’ve said before, and am quite happy with my representative, the great louise slaughter.

    i didn’t write a word about the race in the reporter until rivera got involved, which raised red flags all over the place due to his reputation as a political bottom feeder in niagara county. why in the world would this pure as the driven snow powers get himself mixed up with such a no-class bum?

    and make no mistake, rivera endorsed powers, used his buffalo connections to get the erie county dems to endorse powers and has raised a decent chunk of change for your boy. if that is not involved, i don’t know what is.

    i wrote exactly two stories about it before i was subpoenaed, based on a complaint from rivera. i write a piece about powers, rivera gets the state to start fucking with me in the most official way imaginable. yeah, i guess he doesn’t have a thing to do with the powers campaign.

  40. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 11:57 am #

    Hudson – you’re the fucking moron. You just got through telling all fifteen of your readers about how Jon Powers had the nerve to get paid money from doing charitable work, thus essentially taking an orphanage away (which you just made up completely) from orphans.

    So, does anyone from Community Missions get paid for their work, or do they, too, take food out of the mouths of the poor, using your logic?

    Also – whom did you speak with at the Powers campaign to confirm or deny Rivera’s “position” there?

  41. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 12:03 pm #

    the question posed by army grunt to those critical of powers spending the money he raised for war orphans on himself was “what the fuck did you ever do for charity?” the answer i gave was clearly addressed to him and was a specific answer to his question.

    if you want to talk about community missions, i could go on for hours about the thousands of people they feed and protect, offer shelter to, provide clothing for etc. and last year, payroll accounted for just 18 percent of their total budget, about half of what powers paid himself.

  42. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 12:07 pm #

    So, they do pay themselves out of money that people paid to feed and shelter the poor! They should be ashamed of their blatant thievery! Do you have its 990s? I looked on their site and didn’t see any financial statements, and faith-based organizations don’t have to issue 990s. So, Mike, am I just to take your word for it? After you made up a whole bunch of untrue shit about Jon Powers?

    You see, these things happen to work both ways, don’t they?

  43. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:11 pm #

    And in your answer, specifically addressed to grunt or not, you said that you raised money for the Mission without taking any part of it, unlike Powers. I simply pointed out that Powers ran War Kids Relief and – just like Joseph Barbati, who runs Community Mission, he got paid for doing so. (Barbati was paid %52,000 by the Mission in 2006.) Your response was to call me a moron. Whatever. This “all asshole all the time” routine has gotten really old. But carry on. I think you and Russell are creating more Powers supporters than Alan ever did.

  44. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 12:12 pm #

    Wait – Gasp! – are you saying that people get paid to run nonprofit organizations? LOLZOMG SCANDALZ!

  45. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 12:13 pm #

    yeah, you’re right. community missions helps thousands of people and powers helped no one but they’re exactly the same. they pay themselves half of what powers paid himself and that’s exactly the same. now you’re investigating community missions because the niagara falls reporter donated money to them just like rivera had us subpoenaed because we had the temerity to question his candidate’s godlike character.

    good for you pundit.

    stay proud, man.

  46. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 12:14 pm #

    no one named joseph barbati works for community missions.

    i know who you’re talking about and that’s not his name. nice investigation.

  47. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:15 pm #

    In fact, according to the latest 990, Community Mission only raised $273,000 and Mr. Barbati got paid $52,000. I wonder if that exceeds Splett’s “human filth” threshold?

  48. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 12:15 pm #

    Mike Hudson, perhaps you can go re-read the post and see the update I put up there outlining all the “no one” that Powers/War Kids helped. That or just be more of a shit-loving death-wisher. Fuckface.

  49. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:16 pm #

    “Sbarbati”? Whatever – I just went by the filed 990s. I’m not claiming any “investigation”.

  50. mike hudson August 21, 2008 at 12:17 pm #

    you are now attempting to hurt the reputation of a charity that has done fine work in niagara falls for more than 70 years in order to prop up a failing political candidacy. that is so far beyond reprehensible there aren’t even words to describe.

  51. Red August 21, 2008 at 12:20 pm #

    Gee Hudson, then I guess you shouldn’t have brought up that fine charity just to prop yourself up. Dumbass.

  52. Jim Ostrowski August 21, 2008 at 12:20 pm #

    Let’s talk about issues:

    Two land wars in Asia.


    Bloated federal budget.

    Enormous federal debt and deficit.

    Highest incarceration rate in the world.

    I could go on.

  53. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:20 pm #

    God, you’re just pathetic. In my last post I almost put in a half-serious disclaimer, “Of course I am not seriously criticizing either Community Missions or Mr. Sbarbati, only using Hudson’s example against him to disprove his point”. But I figured it wasn’t needed because no one would be such a dishonest whiner as to accuse of attacking the Mission. I guess I was wrong.

    Seriously, it’s like you’re trying to prove just how stupid you can be. I used to like some of your posts too.


  54. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:22 pm #

    “accuse me of attacking the Mission”, that is.

  55. WNYDEM August 21, 2008 at 12:22 pm #

    Sigh. More lies, and more questions than answers.

    In Powers’ own release, he says:

    • July 2005 – Started at VFA as program manager of War Kids Relief.

    • May 2006 – Vice President of Policy for War Kids Relief (paired with his role as program manager of War Kids Relief)

    Ok, follow the money:

    Powers was hired at VFA in July of 2005. In May of 2006, he was “promoted” to VP of Policy for War Kids Relief.

    Seems to me that we just learned Powers was paid MORE than $77,314 for running War Kids Relief. Powers was paid $5,000 a month by VFA in 2006, and he took $5,000 a month for his three months at War Kids Relief in 2007 (March, April, May).

    But we now know that Powers started working at VFA in July of 2005. If he was paid at the same rate, he earned an additional $30,000 from VFA to RUN WAR KIDS RELIEF.

    Let’s again, follow the money. Add the $92,238 he earned over 18.5 months at VFA to what he claims War Kids raised ($135,074), and then we take his overall salary for 21.5 months ($107,314) and divide that by total funds raised, and you have 47 percent of the money going to Jon Powers.

    If VFA was paying for Powers to run War Kids Relief as one of their programs, you have to count that salary as a contribution to War Kids Relief. If it doesn’t count, then the “successes” of War Kids Relief – minimal as they were – belong to VFA and not Jon Powers.

    Then, if all you are left with is $41, 738, of which Powers took $15,000, or 36 percent.

    Powers can’t have it both ways – he either owns all of the revenues, all of the salary and all of the “successes.” Or he doesn’t. Because once he left the “umbrella” of VFA, as the Buffalo News noted today, it was “a charitable effort that failed to thrive.”

  56. Buffalopundit August 21, 2008 at 12:23 pm #

    Hudson, you whining little infant, you’re too dim or hung over to realize we’re all using your semi-literate logic against you. No one here gives a rat’s ass how much Sbarbati “pays himself” out of money that was supposed to build orphanages or whatever.

    You’re disingenuous, hypocritical, and sport the mental acuity of a toddler.

  57. Joanne L. Capone August 21, 2008 at 12:31 pm #

    Powers has so many problems in his young life…

    pathetic really…sad…he needs to redeem himself and get back to the real world and look for a paying job…no more taking advantage of the poor children of Iraq who he failed miserably with…no more taking advantage of campaign donors with a false and faltering campaign filled with false promises with an unaccomplished slick snail oil salesman with choir boy looks but with the ability to swear at Cleveland Heights, Ohio police officers doing their sworn duties…not a leader at all really…Jon Boy could learn lessons if he only was a member of the Walton Clan…

    Joanne L. Capone
    Executive Director
    Capone-DeSimone Institute for Peace and Social Justice

  58. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 12:34 pm #

    Yeah, no one should buy “snail oil”, if anyone tries to sell them some. There we agree.

  59. Full Page Ad Parlato August 21, 2008 at 12:34 pm #

    @ Hudson,

    Really!! You raised all that money all by yourself? Could you have gotten some paid for help with some other sponsors or the full page ads taken out by NFR? They have paid your paper hundreds of thousands for 1 or 2 full page ads, every issue for years. As far as I can tell, they pay YOU for most of your charitable work that you take credit for. All their ads are given over to charitable announcements… which really is nice, seeing as they have next to nothing to gain in advertising the “great city of nothing” they have helped build for 10 years. If they weren’t so darn charitable, you sure would appear totally on the take. And what did you personally have to do or give up in being so gracious with the $30,000 you raised?

    Parlato and NFR pay what looks like 30-50% of your papers revenues, if you subtract all the full page ads for your own books and the “Reporters” own advertisements for more advertisers.

    You and Illuzzi… stay classy!

  60. The Humanist August 21, 2008 at 12:46 pm #

    @Capone – “unaccomplished slick snail oil salesman”?

    Is that anything like a snail in the grass? Whitesnail? Snails on a Plane?

  61. Russell August 21, 2008 at 12:47 pm #

    When did doing the same work or more become a prerequisite for free speech in our democracy?

  62. Catholic and proud August 21, 2008 at 12:56 pm #

    Joanne Capone is a half twit who should not be allowed to post again until she answers a very simple question: Why are you supporting Jack Davis when he is pro-choice and, in turn, why are you a hypocrite who is turning your back on the unborn?

    It is one thing to claim you are a christian who is dedicated to protecting the unborn Joanne, but shame on you for using it for political expedience. People like you are an embarrassment to the pro-life movement.

  63. Facts Plz August 21, 2008 at 12:56 pm #

    @WNYDEM: Boy are you SPOT ON!

    BP and the Powersapologists crew have spilled a ton of ink over the past few weeks trying to distance Jon from the smarminess of the $60K saying it was salary for his work as a “VP for Policy” for the VFA.

    Now we see that it was exactly compensation for his role as “VP for Policy for WAR KIDS RELIEF”. It does not look like Jon had any real role with VFA that was not directly related to his nascent charity.

    Jon Powers made a hefty chunk of change, garnered a bit of publicity, got to testify before Congress, and created an entry for his resume for his short lived, short committed charity which he apparently abandoned when it no longer suited him.

  64. army grunt August 21, 2008 at 1:03 pm #

    WNY DEM is a hired hit man by the Davis campaign – check the FEC filings and match it with his real name (but he’ll refuse to give it)

    Hudson — good for you – was the work your full time job? Are women no longer battered in Buffalo? NO – then you’re a complete fucking failure. if this race is of no personal interested then why talk about it? oh because Mullen paid you off too. Looks like you Mission buddy used to to help create a fake fundraiser so you’re friend could drive a nice audi. didn’t you beat women when you were fired for being drunk on the job

    Russell — you suck so much dick you can’t make sense when you speak. all you do is attack anything Powers. you’re slander is as bad as Davis’s — promising clean tactics then paying people to spread lies. Davis has nothing to show for himself – just attacking another candidate. How does saying – he isn’t good – make Davis good?

    Davis is a two time looser – he’s wasted over $ 7 million on two loosing campaigns – the republicans (including russell) want him to win because november would be a cakewalk for lee.

    They know no one (besides those bribed) would vote for Davis.

  65. Jack Davis August 21, 2008 at 1:05 pm #

    I’m Jack Davis… and I approve the purchase of this congressional seat.

  66. Russell August 21, 2008 at 1:09 pm #

    I never said Davis was good. So many of you just assume because I think Jonny is up to the task that it automatically means I’m a Davis supporter. I’m not crazy about any of the candidates in the 26th. I just started combatting the Jonny lovefest that was going on on this blog for so long. I thought it was getting a little out of hand that someone had to throw in a little reality.

    BP, now that I look over the stellar bullet points you put up from Jonny’s resume, as ridiculous a condition it is, I think I do meet your qualifications to criticize him. Other than the military service, I think my resume and community service match up pretty well with his.

  67. Jim Ostrowski August 21, 2008 at 1:17 pm #

    David hit Reynolds re interns last time instead of talking about issues. He lost.

  68. Jim Ostrowski August 21, 2008 at 1:17 pm #

    I meant Davis.

  69. Jack Davis August 21, 2008 at 1:30 pm #

    russell — what policies put before the US government in congress have you worked at? what national studies, or educational/research studies, have you participated in?

    what are your qualifications? what do you do for a living now… Powers would smoke you, you’re not qualified to be an 8th grade class president.

    You don’t go after Davis for anything he’s done wrong, just powers. so you’re a republican getting involved in a democratic primary because you’re a bitch who’s afraid Powers will kick Lee’s ass in november.

  70. Jack Davis August 21, 2008 at 1:31 pm #

    I like going negative — i avoid talking about myself because i’m a useless old man

  71. Mr. Pink August 21, 2008 at 1:38 pm #

    Hudson, you may not live in the district, but you have captured the sentiment of Niagara County voters like me who do indeed have a vote in this electino. All this back and forth aside, Jon Powers is clearly not ready to represent this community in Congress. He should have shot for something like Town Council first.

    Niagara County represents the swing portion of this district and Powers has ZERO traction there. Davis will take him in the primary and if not, Chris Lee rolls him in November.

  72. Russell August 21, 2008 at 1:56 pm #

    Jack Davis, thanks for asking. No, I wasn’t a subistitute teacher in Clarence so Powers might have me there. I was just an instructor at one of the largest universities in the country. But since you really must know how much Jonny towers over me, here you go:

    1995-2000: Served as Program Director for mentoring and advising teenagers, serving over 50 teens each year.

    1995: Coordinated visit of leaders of Japanese political parties (LDP and Komeito) on a goodwill trip to US and WNY

    2001: Published peer reviewed article on political socialization of young people in the United States

    1996-2000: Advised civic engagement and political education programs for young people on increasing effectiveness

    1994-2005: Volunteered countless hours with Kids Voting NY, Habitat for Humanity and a number of other charities

    1993-1997: Advised and Assisted Chairman of House VA subcommittee on Hospitals

    Toured Buffalo VA Medical Center numerous times, working with Director to improve conditions and services.

    1995-1996: Coordinated Veteran’s Advisory Committee

    2001-2005: Served as peer reviewer for two academic political journals, determining worthiness of article submissions for publication

    2001-2005: Served on and organized discussion panels for academic and political national conferences

    2001-2005: Taught advanced undergraduate courses in one of the top political science departments in the country

    2001-2005: Served on research panel tracking democratization and economic reforms in Eastern Europe funded by governments of the US, Poland, Czech Republic and Ukraine. Data was presented to Polish and Czech officials and used in a number of publications

    2001: Created Internet Crimes Task Force in Erie County, bringing together law enforcement agencies at all levels to combat Internet crimes against children

    Donated 10% of income annually to religious, social and medical charities.

  73. mike August 21, 2008 at 1:57 pm #

    Pink go back to your republican cheerleadering “i’m Hobbes, not Glen” site. Chrissy Lee will get his juice box slapped right out of his hand in November. Davis already knows about his 2 dwi’s, say hi to hobbes and give larry a kick.

  74. larry's ghost August 21, 2008 at 2:02 pm #

    Mr pink, whats wrong a little boring at the niagara site? gee i wonder why….

  75. I don't like russell August 21, 2008 at 2:05 pm #

    Wow – all that in ten years and Jon Powrs accomplished what he did in only 18 months.

    Imagine how much better Powers is than you with what he could do in ten years.

    Thanks for proving us all right Russell. My little sister did all that and won the spelling bee.

  76. I don't like russell August 21, 2008 at 2:05 pm #

    by the way – what’s the deal with Lee’s dwi’s? is that for real or is someone just being stupid?

  77. russell's a fake August 21, 2008 at 2:09 pm #

    Russell – you didn’t for the internet crime task force

    it was formed in 2000 with state troopers and erie county sherriff’s dept.

    why you have to lie?

    did your publications bring national attention to anything? no. you’re a failure just like your idiot comments

  78. Russell August 21, 2008 at 2:31 pm #

    No, the state troopers part was formed in 2000, but it wasn’t ’til 2001 that erie county got the grant to tie into that program. I’m the one who wrote the grant, got the federal agencies involved and convinced the Justice Department to fund us even though something already existed in NY state. There were only 6 grants awarded at that point and they wanted more geographic dispersion, but since we tied in so well to the existing state program and brought in the feds, they created a new satellite line in order to fund us.

    My publications brought international attention to a number of things. My main publication changed political socialization programs throughout the country and is still being cited today. Our Eastern European work has affected programs in those countried and in the EU.

    My work with VA hospitals helped clean up some of the systems nationally, thought more work is still necessary.

    I didn’t know there was a time constraint on this. BP just said I need to have accomplished stuff like him. I didn’t know if also had to be in the same or less time. Now you guys are really getting silly.

  79. Russell August 21, 2008 at 2:32 pm #

    Sorry, countries not countried. I know how so many of you love to pick on those things.

  80. Russell August 21, 2008 at 2:39 pm #

    Oh, and maybe it took me 10 years to do those things because I actually followed through on the work I did. I didn’t just start something and then walk away after 18 months. I stuck it out. They weren’t done just to pad my resume for a run for office.

  81. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 2:49 pm #

    So now you’re pretending to know exactly what Powers’ subjective intentions were, when you obviously don’t. But you never make ignorant statements, right?

  82. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 2:57 pm #

    Seriously, if this is the worst that Powers opponents can come up with, he must be the squeaky-cleanest candidate for federal office since Lincoln. That’s why I find Splett’s “human filth” post so hilarious.

  83. Russell August 21, 2008 at 3:12 pm #

    It was just a throw-back to the ignorance tossed at me. And what is the worst on Jonny that we’ve been able to come up with? I think far worse things have already been said than the intentions behind his resume.

  84. Russell August 21, 2008 at 3:15 pm #

    Besides, I’m not Jonny’s opponent and I’m not affiliated with any of his opponents. I’m just a private citizen commenting on a candidate for office.

  85. hank August 21, 2008 at 4:02 pm #

    Be careful Russell, Mike and his old lady will flick boogers they scraped off their couch at you.

  86. russell's a fake August 21, 2008 at 4:15 pm #

    If the VA hospitals were so great and taken care of… why all the investigations for the retuning troops during the Iraq war?

    Were you the reason the PTSD treatment was so shitty? Why did you ruin healthcare for our troops?

  87. Russell August 21, 2008 at 4:27 pm #

    Did I say anywhere that the hospitals were great and taken care of? Nope. I did say we worked on cleaning them up, but there was still more work that needed to be done. I’ve been out of that position over 10 years. The conditions you’re talking about are much more recent. Budget cuts, a system nowhere near ready to the large influx it saw and mismanagement account for much of the problems you’re talking about. And much of it was confined to one hospital.

  88. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 4:30 pm #

    Oh you left before the job was done? Just padding your resume I guess.

  89. Russell August 21, 2008 at 5:00 pm #

    It wasn’t my call. It was the person I was working for. I was a more valuable asset on the campaign and political side of things, rather than the official side. And as long as we have men and women serving this country, that’s a job that will never be done, but I did put in far more than 18 months. And I never fell about 98% short of any of my goals, even the ambitious ones.

  90. Russell August 21, 2008 at 5:03 pm #

    And that just furthers the point that I must be very well qualified to criticize Jonny, according to the logic on here.

  91. Gasp! August 21, 2008 at 5:05 pm #

    Or a huge hypocrite. One or the other.

  92. mm August 21, 2008 at 8:59 pm #

    Mr. Powers has never in his 30 years have a private sector job or business that had to meet market tests of efficeny or generate value. With more successfull life or business experiences the 40 and up voters would more likely identify with him. Mr. Davis main goal is to get a better deal for the US in foreign. As a new member of congress with at most a four tear life he will be even more frustated.

  93. Timothy Domst August 21, 2008 at 9:12 pm #

    Russell, I think your resume skipped what, if my guess is correct, would be your greatest achievement; obtaining a grant that pays for you to piss away a workday making knee-jerk responses to anonymous trolls on a political entertainment blog. But getting paid to endlessly discuss and poll about how to get kids to vote comes pretty close. Nice “work” if you can get it.

  94. Russell August 21, 2008 at 9:23 pm #

    Thank you.

  95. Whippity Snippity August 21, 2008 at 10:57 pm #

    mm are you retarded? what harder market test is there then getting shot at by people? those iraqi’s looked like they were itching to buy the american product!

    Why do you hate soldiers and veterans? Why do you think being a solider and an officer isn’t a real job?

    has anyone outed this russel a-hole yet? put his real name up here if you have – then we can check Davis’ or Lee’s FEC filing pre and post primary

  96. al-alo August 21, 2008 at 11:06 pm #

    im sorry, you all lost me. is there an election coming up or something?

  97. Peter Crotty August 22, 2008 at 3:35 am #


    You are becoming the new Mike Hudson.

  98. Peter Crotty August 22, 2008 at 3:43 am #

    Are we going to organize an actual debate between the candidates, or just bash our keyboards into meaningless smithereens.

  99. Russell August 22, 2008 at 7:12 am #

    Thanks, Peter, but there is nowhere near enough of the hard stuff in my system for me to attain that level and I doubt there ever will be.

  100. pop goes the pimple August 22, 2008 at 8:23 am #

    Russell— why do you want hard stuff in your system? that’s gross.

    When is the debate anyway… oh yah Davis’s vipers won’t let him near a microphone because he’s an idiot. If Davis isn’t allowed to open his mouth he can’t put his foot in it.

    Remember when he bribed everyone… then started a Jobs and Farms party, and then NO LABOR and NO FARMERS support him! Yah that was hilarious.

    Awesome quote in the Buffalo News BP! As always they show you as a respectable netroots person and Illuzzi as the criminal bribing hack that he is in the Hoyt article. Iluzzi & Davis are two peas in a pod!

  101. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 8:43 am #

    Sorry for long post, but Free NY tried to survey the candidates about real issues but received no replies.

    Free New York Candidate Survey
    United States Congress (2008)

    • Free New York, Inc. is a non-partisan, not-for-profit New York State corporation. We do not support or endorse candidates or political parties.

    • The results of this survey will be widely distributed, including to our database of about 1000, sent to the media and published on our websites, including and

    • Please return this survey by June 1st to

    • Please add comments or explanations as necessary.

    1. Should the United States pull our troops out of Iraq as soon as is safely possible, spending the funds necessary to insure a safe withdrawal?

    No___________ Yes_____________

    2. Should the United States pull our troops out of Afghanistan as soon as is safely possible, spending the funds necessary to insure a safe withdrawal?

    No___________ Yes_____________

    3. Does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to bear arms?

    No___________ Yes_____________

    4. Should the federal government continue to subsidize exports?

    No___________ Yes_____________

    5. Would you eliminate any of the following federal agencies or programs or any others not named? (Check those you would eliminate.)

    Agriculture _________
    Commerce _________
    Education __________
    Energy _________
    HHS ___________
    HUD ___________
    Interior ___________
    Labor ____________
    FEMA ___________
    Foreign Aid _________
    World Bank ____________
    International Monetary Fund ___________
    NASA ____________
    SBA ___________
    Others—please list_____________________________________________

    6. Do you oppose or favor corporate welfare (cash grants, loans or special tax breaks to certain businesses)?

    Favor____________ Oppose_____________

    7. Should the federal government prosecute those who use marijuana for medical purposes?

    Favor____________ Oppose_______________

    8. List all foreign states on whose behalf the United States should go to war if they are invaded or attacked?

    ______ All 191 foreign states (


    Only these countries:


    Please explain the legal rationale for doing so, including constitutional provisions and/or treaties.


    9. Which best describes your view of government’s role in health care.

    a. I like the current system, where health care is highly regulated at all levels of government and heavily subsidized by states and by the federal government._________

    b. I favor movement toward a free market in health care, greatly reducing government subsidies and carefully deregulating health care and insurance to eliminate lucrative legal monopolies and to give consumers greater choice.___________

    c. I believe that the government should fund and control all health care as in England and Canada.____________

    d. Other_______________________________________________.

    10. Which government spending programs would you enlarge, if any?


  102. pop goes the pimple August 22, 2008 at 9:46 am #

    who in their right mind would fill that out? there’s no room for an explination – like they’d even use it.

    how in depth is right to bear arms? is a bazooka reasonable? or just a hunting rifle or hand gun?

  103. Russell August 22, 2008 at 10:07 am #

    I thought the Supreme Court recently answered the question on the 2nd Amendment.

    This questionaire has set up written all over it. I really like question 8 with the one line to explain legal rationale including constitutional provisions. I also like the list in 5, especially including the IMF and World Bank.

  104. Jon Splett August 22, 2008 at 10:24 am #

    I like how it says ‘non-partisan’ and then goes on to ask how much of a crazy libertarian the candidate is.

    The only question missing is ‘Do you live in a secluded shack, stocked to the brim with assault rifles hoping for an armed revolt because you don’t want to pay taxes?’

  105. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 10:53 am #

    “who in their right mind would fill that out?”

    But they would put meaningless slogans and clichés into 30 TV ads. With no explanation.

    The survey is on a Word file. They can put any explanation in they wish. But the survey is designed to be user-friendly so they have no reason not to fill it out.

    What is the purpose of an election in which no candidate makes any concrete proposals?

    There is nothing libertarian in the survey. The gun question is always with us and this was written while the Supreme Court case was pending.

    Wow, you guys love to argue about nonsense.

    “how in depth is right to bear arms? is a bazooka reasonable? or just a hunting rifle or hand gun?” That’s what the candidates need to answer.

    “I thought the Supreme Court recently answered the question on the 2nd Amendment.”

    First, the survey was written before the decision. Second, anyone is free to disagree with the Supreme Court. Congress has lots of authority over the courts and those people are expected to exercise their own judgment. Certainly, Senators may wish to vote against nominees whose views on the Second Amendment they do not share.

    As for the comments about the survey being a “set-up,” I’m lost. Who is asking candidates which government agencies they would abolish a set-up? We also ask which they would “enlarge.” The point is, many candidate say would cut taxes but few ever specify any spending cuts. Again, the goal of the survey is to force the candidates to actually say something meaningful. So far we failed.

    This is all spinning wheels about nonsense. Let’s talk about issues and concrete proposals if these candidates have any. I’ve seen little evidence.

  106. The Humanist August 22, 2008 at 10:55 am #

    A survey with as much insane libertarian framing like that is as useful as tits on a bull.

  107. Rob August 22, 2008 at 10:59 am #

    The questions look perfectly legitimate to me. I guess if Jim O. had asked “what’s your favorite Bible passage” like St. Russert, that would have been better?

  108. Russell August 22, 2008 at 11:00 am #

    If your real intent is to get candidates to talk about something meaningful, concrete proposals and issues, just ask them what issues are most important to them and why. What do they plan to propose to do about them? Instead, what you’re asking the candidates is to talk about your proposals and whether or not they agree with your issues. That’s the set up.

  109. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 11:12 am #

    No Russell, you’re wrong. The survey does not say what Free NY’s views are. And even if everyone knows what they are, so what? The candidates are free to state their views. In fact, if our views are as unpopular as some imply, they should be happy to oppose them.

    The reason for a survey is to compare. Elections are choices. Also, if you ask the candidates to state their views, they will, if experience is any judge, give us blather and sound bites.

    Example, “running government like a business.” Someone was recently elected on that “platform.” Since it is not in any sense possible to do so (it’s a misleading metaphor), we will never know if that person fulfilled his promise.

    That person by the way refused to answer our survey which would actually have pinned down that person so the voters could know if he did what he promised.

  110. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 11:15 am #

    “A survey with as much insane libertarian framing like that is as useful as tits on a bull.”

    This refutes itself. The survey would allow this illibertarian to sniff out anyone who believes in individual freedom and vote against them.

  111. The Humanist August 22, 2008 at 11:32 am #

    @ Ostrowski:

    7. Should the federal government prosecute those who use marijuana for medical purposes?

    I wasn’t aware federal prosecution of medical marijuana users was such a “burning” issue (sorry for the pun) for the voters of NY-26.

    Can we expect future surveys on the candidates’ opinions on abolishing the federal government?

  112. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 11:54 am #

    70-80% in some polls favor medical marijuana. If you are dying of cancer and writhing in pain, it might be a big issue. I think it’s a good symbolic issue as well about a range of things: federal role in law enforcement, civil liberties, war on drugs, spending priorities.

    There’s a method to our Reefer Madness.

  113. Russell August 22, 2008 at 12:23 pm #

    First of all, you just admitted it’s a set up. You want to have their answers in writing so you can use it against them later when you think they didn’t follow through on it.

    Secondly, wouldn’t blather and sound bites be better than nothing? It sounds like you haven’t gotten any response from your survey ever, so why is that a better idea than mine?

    If you dying of cancer and writhing in pain, are you really concerned at that moment about who you’re going to vote for. Avoid the hyperbole. Besides, there are other medicines used to treat that.

  114. Buffalopundit August 22, 2008 at 12:49 pm #

    Gosh, I miss filling out meaningless questionnaires that lead to no endorsement and no money. So, I’ll take a stab at it:

    1. Should the United States pull our troops out of Iraq as soon as is safely possible, spending the funds necessary to insure a safe withdrawal?

    No___________ Yes_____X________

    2. Should the United States pull our troops out of Afghanistan as soon as is safely possible, spending the funds necessary to insure a safe withdrawal?

    No___________ Yes______X________

    3. Does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to bear arms?

    No___________ Yes______X_______ (but only as to firearms available for purchase in 1791).

    4. Should the federal government continue to subsidize exports?

    No___________ Yes_____________ WTF Does this mean? ______X_______

    5. Would you eliminate any of the following federal agencies or programs or any others not named? (Check those you would eliminate.)

    Agriculture _________
    Commerce _________
    Education __________
    Energy _________
    HHS ___________
    HUD ___________
    Interior ___________
    Labor ____________
    FEMA ___________
    Foreign Aid _________
    World Bank ____________
    International Monetary Fund ___________
    NASA ____________
    SBA ___________
    Others—please list_____________________________________________

    6. Do you oppose or favor corporate welfare (cash grants, loans or special tax breaks to certain businesses)?

    Favor_____X_______ Oppose_____________

    7. Should the federal government prosecute those who use marijuana for medical purposes?

    Favor____________ Oppose____X___________

    8. List all foreign states on whose behalf the United States should go to war if they are invaded or attacked?

    ______ All 191 foreign states (


    Only these countries:

    Countries with whom we have executed a multilateral or bilateral treaty for mutual defense, including but not limited to members of NATO.

    Please explain the legal rationale for doing so, including constitutional provisions and/or treaties.

    Duly ratified and executed international treaties are the Supreme law of the United States. US Constitution Article II, section 2, clause 2; US Constitution Article VI.
    9. Which best describes your view of government’s role in health care.

    a. I like the current system, where health care is highly regulated at all levels of government and heavily subsidized by states and by the federal government._________

    b. I favor movement toward a free market in health care, greatly reducing government subsidies and carefully deregulating health care and insurance to eliminate lucrative legal monopolies and to give consumers greater choice.___________

    c. I believe that the government should fund and control all health care as in England and Canada.____________

    d. Other___A free market system that also contains provisions for subsidized comprehensive health care coverage for those who cannot afford it.

    10. Which government spending programs would you enlarge, if any?

    infrastructure (highways & rail)

  115. Jim Ostrowski August 22, 2008 at 3:51 pm #

    We now know a lot more about your views than we do about Powers, Davis and Kryzan.

    I don’t believe there is a defense treaty with Israel, but I could be wrong.

    Would you really go to war for Estonia against the Russians, the only nation that could wipe us out with nukes. I would not.

  116. Buffalopundit August 22, 2008 at 3:55 pm #

    If Russia invaded Estonia (as it has in the past), we have a treaty obligation to defend it. Luckily, mutually assured destruction renders unlikely any Russian invasion of a NATO member.

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