Donovan and Arnold: Out-Weppnering Weppner?

25 Sep

You guys, I think I might have found a current right-wing candidate even more unintentionally hilarious than Kathy Weppner. I know, Kathy “infected poors” Weppner has been highlighting the dramatic threat to our Republic by a bunch of brown-skinned teenaged economic refugees, and she’s even tried to fundraise over the bodies of dead Americans, BUT SHE NEVER SALUTED WITH A COFFEE CUP IN HER HAND IMPEACH!!1!

I’m not a huge fan of Senator Tim Kennedy’s, mostly because of his hard work sabotaging the county’s Democratic Committee and by executing a Republican coup of the Erie County Legislature in 2010

With that said, the tea party has a doozy in this Donovan character

Donovan is a registered member of the Independence Fusion Party, and lost his own party’s primary to Tim Kennedy! How hilarious is that – his own corrupt little political club voted for the money and the bennies that an actual electable candidate offers. He is, however, running on the Conservative Fusion Party line and the Republican line.  Check this out, too: 

Take a closer look at the letter that Donovan shared: 

Dude lives in Kentucky. 

How, exactly, did Governor Cuomo and Senator Kennedy or, I’m guessing, the NY SAFE Act do anything to cause a problem that a guy in Kentucky has with a Federal agency? Does this ostensibly serious candidate not understand the federal system set up by the Constitution he purports to love? Does Rick Donovan think that NY SAFE applies to federal agencies or the Commonwealth of Kentucky? 

Including, I guess, the right to enslave and be enslaved. 

UPDATE: tea partier Ricky Donovan is an employee of the great State of New York as a corrections officer at the Albion Correctional Facility – a medium security female prison. Socialism is, evidently, ok if your name rhymes with “Nicky Flonovan”. 

On another note, check out what our favorite vacillator Gia Arnold is up to up in Niagara County. She apparently didn’t have enough valid signatures to be on the Libertarian Party line in November in the race to replace George Maziarz in SD-62. She lost the Republican primary to North Tonawanda Mayor Robert Ortt in a downright blowout, and she was taken to court over the validity of her Libertarian petitions. Specifically, signatures came from outside the district. Our ballot access laws may be too cumbersome, but as Weppner says, if we don’t enforce the laws, we become a lawless society. 

As Arnold announced that she’d not appear on any party line in November, Ortt was professional and on-point: 

While I am glad the integrity of the process was upheld, my focus remains where it has been since day one — speaking directly to voters, sharing my vision for how to create more good paying jobs for Western New Yorkers and fighting for our shared values in Albany as their next State Senator.

But Arnold? Not so much. 

If you happen to have a Rob Ortt for State Senate sign in your yard this election cycle, you are a fool to support the elite establishment that counts on your ignorance and apathy in order to continue to control our elections, state and national governments. VOTE ANTI – ESTABLISHMENT this year. Do your research.

Carl’s and Rus’ inexperienced, unqualified, naive one-issue candidate embarrassed herself throughout this process (see here, and here, and here), and lost dramatically to the established Republican elected official who is a serious person. Voting anti-establishment is great and all, but wildly aggressive fits of pique because you torpedoed your own campaign are bad form. She seems to be really bad at this whole “politics” thing, because what she’s doing is great if you want to be elected to chief rabble-rouser, bad if you want to be elected to any sort of elected statewide office. 

15 Responses to “Donovan and Arnold: Out-Weppnering Weppner?”

  1. UncleBluck September 25, 2014 at 7:34 am #

    As a registered Republican (who unfortunately rarely votes republican anymore) I don’t understand how my party expects to win electable office anymore in other than the gerrymandered districts ( and those are no longer shoe ins) when they don’t actually field electable candidates……?

    • John Wilcox September 25, 2014 at 12:45 pm #

      They cannot field electable candidates as long as WBEN’s legion of misinformed idiots continues to constantly out-conservative each other and plants a scarlet “L” on anybody who tries to be reasonable.

      • jerkwagon420 September 25, 2014 at 1:48 pm #

        Bellavia took offense to me challenging his anti teacher snark a few weeks back. He hung up on me then called me a douche then told me I should choke myself during a minute long rant AFTER he hung up on me. You mean WBEN has idiots on the air?

      • KathyWeppnerNY26 September 25, 2014 at 3:13 pm #

        You mean David Bellavia; WBEN Military Affairs Expert?

      • jerkwagon420 September 25, 2014 at 5:32 pm #

        Fallujah Canoe and Davey Too. Oh I should be ashamed of myself. Fuck him.

  2. KathyWeppnerNY26 September 25, 2014 at 7:49 am #

    To be fair, I believe it’s the other way around. Someone TORPEDOED Gia. I’ll be here all week folks.Try the veal.

    • UncleBluck September 25, 2014 at 11:19 am #

      Wow! That guy standing next to you looks REALLY INTELLIGENT…..must be the glasses…..

  3. Michael Rebmann September 25, 2014 at 9:15 am #

    Regarding Gia Arnold, ” She supports gay marriage, as well as marijuana legalization and decriminalization.” She can’t be all bad.

    • jerkwagon420 September 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm #

      plus she’s hot

  4. observer September 25, 2014 at 11:26 am #

    I’m sorry to disagree Alan, but nobody can top Weppner for being an idiot. When you go to her website, just below that nice picture of her family in their military uniforms (is that allowable?), you see the word DONATE followed by the picture of Foley about to be beheaded. Nothing, nothing, nothing can top that. What kind of American does that?

  5. Thomas September 25, 2014 at 11:34 am #

    For the win

  6. richardszczepankiewicz September 25, 2014 at 12:17 pm #

    Hey if Gia is still cheating on her husband, can I have her?

  7. KathyWeppnerNY26 September 25, 2014 at 12:41 pm #

    The joy of raging against the machine that provides you with such steady wage increases.

  8. jerkwagon420 September 25, 2014 at 1:50 pm #

    Bauerle is concerned about Russ’s health. Shared that on the air yesterday. Two guys from ISIS had a knife to my head on the 290 forcing me to listen on the ride home.

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