David DiPietro: He’s Smart. Not Like Everybody Says. (UPDATED)

1 Nov


Have you heard David DiPietro “debate” anyone?  He did a perfect turn as “crazy guy” here:


Which goes along nicely with his “friendship” with Paladino.

Poor Dave DiPietro.

After losing to the repugnant political caricature Dale Volker in 2008, he figured he had made his bones, and that he was the man to beat for the Republican nomination in SD-59. Then along came former Erie County Republican Committee Chairman Jim Domagalski, who thought he was next in line for that seat. This pissed off the Tom Reynolds people for whatever reason, so they put up Pat Gallivan for that seat.

Seriously? Who cares about Republican infighting.

DiPietro also buys an hour per week to WNYMedia.net partner WECK 1230-AM for a radio show. Now, DiPietro hasn’t been on air for a few weeks because to do so would be violative of New York’s election law. Instead, Jim Ostrowski has been subbing as host, but has Dave DiPietro in as a special guest all the time for quite a lengthy segment. Just yesterday, they spent at least a half hour calling Jim Domagalski everything but the anti-Christ.

You see, Carl Paladino and Dave DiPietro have been political BFFs all year. Why, it was Carl who supposedly urged DiPietro to run for the state senate again. So it was that two nights ago, Carl was waiting in DiPietro’s driveway late at night to break the news to him that he was going to back Domagalski instead.

DiPietro said Paladino had asked him to run for the seat being vacated by retiring State Sen. Dale M. Volker, R-Depew, and suggested they run as a team, endorsed by the Tea Party. Paladino also contributed $1,000 to his campaign.

But as DiPietro returned home from a fundraiser just before midnight Wednesday, Paladino was waiting for him in his driveway.

“I said, ‘Carl, tell me this isn’t true,’ ” DiPietro recalled.

He said Paladino leaned against his car, repeatedly apologized and said he owed the Erie County Republican Committee his support.

At the news conference, Paladino said he strongly endorsed Domagalski to represent the district, which stretches across parts of four counties.

“He’s an attorney; he’s a talented man,” Paladino stated. “I need a guy like that by my side.”

Talk about a lackluster endorsement. Anyway, Domagalski and Paladino held that press conference during DiPietro’s Ostrowski’s WECK show, and they discussed it on-air for at least a half-hour.

In essence, it went down like this:


But in the last 24 hours – keeping in mind that the primary election is literally a few days away – an entire years’ worth of work has basically gone down the drain.

First, Paladino’s stab in the back, which is only the most recent of an entire years’ worth of backstabbing and recriminations among the so-called tea party movement in Western New York. Today, the Board of Elections bounced DiPietro off a self-created Tea Party line (not affiliated with Paladino’s own), thus depriving him of a non-write-in means to stay in the race past next Tuesday should he lose.

When reached for comment, DiPietro said,


Dave DiPietro: the last guy in New York to think Carl Paladino had any character.

6 Responses to “David DiPietro: He’s Smart. Not Like Everybody Says. (UPDATED)”

  1. Mike In WNY September 10, 2010 at 4:29 pm #

    My vote in the general election has been solidified in favor of Warren Redlich.

  2. Hank September 10, 2010 at 4:31 pm #

    Alan—don’t want to break anyone’s bubble, but there ARE NO REAL REPUBLICANS IN WNY.Those who call themselves Republicans wouldn’t know what a real Republican was if one hit them over the head with a ball bat. Non Sequitur.

  3. Rob September 10, 2010 at 5:08 pm #

    Coniglio, naturally, has gone all Old Testament on Carl: “The tea party is a gift from God to the people of this nation (and world) who yearn to be free and you have been working to turn her into a whore.” No Freudian issues there, nope none at all.

    Also: “once I am gone, there is no other tea party opposition to the growing and increasingly corrupt and out of touch, phony tea party machine which is forming in Buffalo”; that last bit may come as a surprise to Jim O.

    (From ReformNYS, the listserv for whom snopes was invented.)

  4. Hapklein September 11, 2010 at 6:47 am #

    That is an impressive array or occurrences that will absolutely no affect on the way those voters in those District cast their ballots.

    I have canvassed and served on telephone banks for Democratic challengers east of Buffalo on several occasions in the past two decades and was amused and chagrined at the voter determination to continue the status quo and refuse reform or change.

    This is how Volker could even run against himself and win.

    Paladino and Domagalski are aware of this and sure that which ever name is in that Republican or Conservative slot will win regardless of other factors.

    I recall many years ago speaking with a Republican Voter in Leroy who assured me that even if Adolf Hitler headed the ticket he would still vote Republican. You don’t have to be anything out there as long as you are Republican. Just like Mississippi.

  5. cashdollar November 2, 2010 at 5:16 am #

    This is the same guy who while running for mayor, pulled other people’s children out of the boys and girls club (WITHOUT their parents consent) and had them leaflet house to house through out the village. To top it all off, he offered to pay the kids $5, and then never paid them. Classy.


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