David DiPietro Emails Carl Paladino #SD59

15 Oct

About a week ago, the following email chain was  begun by a Grand Island-based tea party activist named Mike Madigan (it was sent to me and a variety of other local media and business types):

To which Tea Party State Senate candidate David DiPietro (SD-59) replied – to all…

Whoa-whoa-whoa. “Please remove me from your distribution list.” Now? Why now?

David DiPietro is Carl Paladino’s friend, right? Paladino is credited as having convinced DiPietro to run for the Volker seat again. Why, they even share lawnsigns – that DiPietro paid for – throughout the 59th State Senate district.

That alliance – and friendship – is likely strained now in light of Paladino’s 11th-hour endorsement of Jim Domagalski in the Republican primary for SD-59. It was a very public rift, publicly embarrassing DiPietro, and revealed more about Paladino’s opportunistic character than any “abortion clinic landlord” story or “gay club landlord” story ever could.

So, now at long last David DiPietro doesn’t want to know from Carl Paladino’s emails, and he wants this entire recipient list to know it.

Yet David DiPietro wasn’t always so displeased to be on Carl Paladino’s email distribution list. In fact, on at least two occasions, he contributed to it.

Nestled amidst Carl Paladino’s many salacious, racist, and equestrian emails disclosed to WNYMedia.net were two that were forwarded to Carl by his erstwhile friend, tea party candidate for SD-59, David DiPietro.

DiPietro’s political rhetoric is informed by a hodgepodge of anarcho-capitalist libertarian, anti-immigrant, right-wing conservogabber philosophies.  He hates Barack Obama almost as much as he hates Jim Domagalski and Pat Gallivan.

So much so, in fact, that DiPietro forwarded an email accusing President Obama of being a Muslim. DiPietro sent the email, entitled “Heeza Muzzlim…that’s why” to a small handful of people, including Carl Paladino. Carl, in turn, sent the email to an unknown set of emails hidden behind a bcc. The email itself:

As with most emails such as these, people who don’t know how to use email or the internet tend to forget to check Snopes (or Factcheck.org) before forwarding hateful, untrue, utter nonsense to their friends.  Snopes has an entry for the above-shown email, and describes it as FALSE.

Obama didn’t go to Saudi Arabia during that trip. He didn’t go to any of the small handful of countries in the entire world that are governed by Sharia Law, which differs from culture to culture. Even if he had, there is no prohibition in Sharia law against wives accompanying their husbands on trips, and Sharia law wouldn’t apply to a visiting dignitary like Obama, anyway. Oh, also – Obama isn’t Muslim.

It’s amazing that dumb Obama-muslim-secret-sleeper-agent nonsense is circulated at all, and even more so when it’s being shared approvingly between public political figures.

The second email forwarded by DiPietro to Paladino, which the gubernatorial candidate later forwarded to his email list, contained a powerpoint presentation that is more or less NSFW.

The Powerpoint is stupid and juvenile. It features jokes about the relative attractiveness of French women vs. American women, it jokes about the female form vs. the male form, it jokes about French promiscuity and Moroccan bestiality, and it makes an asinine joke about women shopping and men masturbating, featuring images of kids. I have modified the slideshow to redact female breasts and male genitalia.


I wrote to DiPietro on Wednesday, and sent the following email:

Please note that your response may be used in a WNYMedia.net post. If you have no response, I may note that, as well.

Regarding the emails discussed below, the questions I have are as follows:

1. Why did you wait until _now_ to ask Carl Paladino to remove you from his email list? Why did you feel compelled to hit “reply to all”?
2. Do you think that President Barack Obama is a Muslim?
3. Do you think that the “Brilliant” powerpoint presentation, showing mild female nudity, makes a joke about bestiality, and shows a woman’s bare breasts, capped off with pictures of toddlers is in good taste? Does it comport with the ideals of the tea party movement?
4. Regarding your request that Carl remove you from his email list dated 10/12/10, you were only too happy to be the sender and recipient of pornographic and propagandistic nonsense in 2008 and 2009 (I only highlight the materials you forward to Carl below – you received many more). Why didn’t you opt out before?
5. On your campaign site, you state that the Park51 community center is “destructive to the moral fiber of the United States”. What about pictures of naked kids and perpetuating lies about the President ?

Of the many emails that were disclosed to WNYMedia.net from Carl Paladino’s sordid emailing history, two of them were emails that you had forwarded to Carl. One contained a pornographic powerpoint presentation entitled “Brilliant”, the last frame of which shows a boy, maybe 1 year old, holding a remote control in one hand, and his penis in the other. The header appears as follows… (omitted)…

…The other, entitled “Heeza Muzzlim, that’s why”, which you forwarded to Paladino on 12/12/09, contains the following text: (see above)

DiPietro has not responded to that email.

13 Responses to “David DiPietro Emails Carl Paladino #SD59”

  1. DJ October 15, 2010 at 2:36 pm #

    Do you really find that powerpoint presentation to be offensive? Lighten up, Alan – you are really reaching.

    • Alan Bedenko October 15, 2010 at 2:39 pm #

      I think I called it “juvenile”.

  2. The Point Is October 15, 2010 at 5:48 pm #

    “That alliance – and friendship – is likely strained now in light of Paladino’s 11th-hour endorsement of Jim Domagalski in the Republican primary for SD-59. It was a very public rift, publicly embarrassing DiPietro, and revealed more about Paladino’s opportunistic character than any “abortion clinic landlord” story or “gay club landlord” story ever could.”

    I could care less about porno received or forwarded. What speaks volumns to me about lack of character is Paladino’s actions above. Don’t I remember Paladino making statements on his loyalty. Think DiPietro is lucky that Paladino threw him under the bus. It is a slimy bunch of characters(friends) that Paladino has around him. If I were DiPietro and had any integrity, I would disassociate myself too.

  3. Jayson October 15, 2010 at 8:33 pm #

    What a joke. There are no worthy candidates in the 59th (except maybe Appleton) now that Domagowski is out. He at least had intelligence and gravitas. I was shocked he didn’t win but I guess if Volker has it in for you – you get screwed. Thats what happened when Volker promoted his boy Gallivan. Gallivan is another Volker and if he gets in nothing will change – will probably get worse (just imagine!). I think Dipietro quoted Volker in some article saying, that Volker said on primary night when Gallivan won- “the people in Albany are happy tonight!” Great! I saw Gallivan in the early primary debate and he is CLUELESS – Domagowski destroyed him. Then, I thought DiPietro might be the answer as the lesser evil when Domagowski dropped – but after this – he’s fraud! I am a republican but I think everyone should vote for Appleton. At least she is not a career politician involved with all this BS. I hope she wins – though unlikely. Get ready for Senator Patrick Volker-Gallivan.

  4. Jesse October 18, 2010 at 8:01 am #

    I’m ashamed that my hometown actually had Dipietro as their mayor, but at least I didn’t live there at the time. Anyone remember when he got arrested by the FBI in Florida for taking pictures of water towers?

  5. Mike October 18, 2010 at 10:45 am #

    All these guys who have publicly denounced muslims or have asserted that muslims shouldn’t be able to enjoy our American freedoms (such as building community centers anywhere it’s zoned appropriately) are now in for a world of hurt in their roles as supervisors of employees. Any employee of theirs with an ax to grind can now point to them and say, well he admits he wouldn’t allow a muslim to do this or that solely based upon their religion. So it makes sense that he would discriminated against me for being x, y, or z.
    Anyone with a project that gets denied can point to them and say the same…
    They are so friggin done in any position of power.

  6. Hank October 18, 2010 at 3:11 pm #

    All Muslims are not terrorists. The owner of one of my town’s most popular bistros is a Muslim, who emigrated here from what he calls the “fly infested shit-hole”, that is called Jordan on the map. He studied and became a US Citizen, and doesn’t have dual citizenship with Jordan. And his first name is OSAMA. He’s not a terrorist, nor is his brother or anyone else in his family. He does not support terrorism—though he says his pizzas are “the bomb”.
    However, we have detained many terrorists, and have killed many on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. ALL OF THEM WERE OR ARE MUSLIMS.

    • Alan Bedenko October 18, 2010 at 3:24 pm #

      Wow. We went to war with Afghanistan and Iraq and ended up fighting Muslims? Your grasp of geopolitics is keen, indeed.

      I remember that Muslim communist in Cuba, the Muslim communist in Venezuela, the Muslims building a runway in Grenada, the Communist Muslims in Nicaragua, the Muslims who bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City, the muslim “Eric bin-Rudolph” who bombed the 1996 Olympics and a bunch of abortion clinics. Obviously, Hank, you’re correct that whilst not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslim.


  1. Appleton Returns #DSCC Money, Stands on Principle #SD59 #NYSen « WNYMedia.net - October 27, 2010

    […] former Sheriff and Tom Reynolds ally Pat Gallivan dukes it out with Islamophobic/xenophobic ignorant birther David DiPietro, Cynthia Appleton has been mounting a competent campaign […]

  2. David DiPietro: He’s Smart. Not Like Everybody Says. (UPDATED) « WNYMedia.net - November 1, 2010

    […] Which goes along nicely with his “friendship” with Paladino. […]

  3. David DiPietro’s Jihad on Learning | Buffalopundit - January 8, 2015

    […] Assemblyman David DiPietro of East Aurora has declared a holy war on book lernin‘. ‘Specially that Moozlim kind. (It’s not the first time, either. DiPietro was convinced Obama was a seekrit Moozlim back in 2010). […]

  4. L’Obamaphobie | Buffalopundit - January 14, 2015

    […] very existence. They blame him for not going because what – he supports terrorism? Because he’s a seekrit Moozlim and supports the […]

  5. Assemblyman David DiPietro: Fear-Monger | WNYmedia Network - Buffalo, NY - July 19, 2020

    […] also the guy who initially convinced Carl Paladino in an email that Barack Obama was a Muslim (yeah […]

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